
Troop Deployment Scripts

Table of Contents


Is this implemented in yeab?


Usage: SetBallsUsed troops
Example: setballsused 20,50,130,200,400
Sets the number of ballista used to farm NPCs level 1 to 5.


Usage: attack xxx,yyy hero troop
Example: attack 111,222 any a:1000
Attack the given co-ords using the specified hero and troops.


Usage: bigattack xxx,yyy hero troop
Example: bigattack 111,222 any a:125000
Use war ensign to attack.


Usage: abandon xxx,yyy
Example: abandon 111,222
Script command to abandon the valley at 111,222


Usage: deploy marchtype xxx,yyy hero troop:xxx resource:xxx hh:mm:ss (or @:hh:mm 24hr clock time)
Example: deploy reinforce 111,222 none w:25000 f:100000 1:30:00
This is a generic command where any of the other marching commands can be used.
marchtype from
atk Attack
bld Build City
rei Reinforce
sct Scout
resource from
f food
w wood
s stone
i iron
g gold
Time can be expressed in hh:mm:ss or in local time when prefaced with @: so @:3:37 would sleep until 3:37 AM local time. When using @: the time must be specified in 24 hour time.


Usage: bigdeploy marchtype xxx,yyy hero troop:xxx resource:xxx hh:mm:ss (or @:hh:mm 24hr clock time)
Example: bigdeploy reinforce 111,222 none w:25000 f:100000 1:30:00
This is a generic command where any of the other marching commands can be used along with a war ensign.


Usage: reinforce xxx,yyy hero troop:xxx resource:xxx HH:MM:SS (or @:HH:MM 24hr Clock)
Example: reinforce 111,222 none t:100 f:10000 @:9:30
Used to reinforce 111,222 with 10,000 food using 100 transporters at 9:30


Usage: scout xxx,yyy hero s:xxx
Example: scout 111,222 ken s:100000
scout 111,222 none s:25000
First example will scout 111,222 with 100,000 scouts using the hero called ken.
Second example will scout 111,222 with 25,000 scouts but no hero.


Usage: scout xxx,yyy hero s:xxx
Example: scout 111,222 ken s:125000
Scout 111,222 using 125,000 scout, war ensign and hero ken.


Usage: transport xxx,yyy trans:xxx resource:xxx HH:MM:SS (or @:HH:SS 24hr Clock)
Example: transport 111,222 t:1000 f:999998
An important note to remember with transportation, if you try to send more than the transports can carry, you will get an error, and the command will not function.


Usage: transport xxx,yyy trans:xxx resource:xxx HH:MM:SS (or @:HH:SS 24hr Clock)
Example: transport 111,222 t:125000 f:120000000
Transport resources using war ensign.


Usage: guardedattack xxx,yyy troop num_scouts opponent_troop
Example: guardedattack 111,222 a:99600,w:100,s:100,p:100,sw:100 10 a:60000,cav:50000
Used to set up a scout and an attack and recall the attack based on the result of the scout.
In the above example, the bot will schedule a scout with 10 scouts and an attack on 111,222 with 99600 archers so that the scouts arrive a random time between 15-30 seconds before the archers. If the scout fails, the attack is recalled. If the scout is successful but there are 60k+ archers OR 50k+ cavalry at the target, the attack is also recalled.
To cancel guardedattack, use EndGuardedAttack.


Usage: setguard xxx,yyy opponent_troop
Example: attack 111,222 any w:100000,a:100,s:100,p:100,sw:100
scout 111,222 any s:100000
setguard 111,222 a:60000,cav:50000
You can manually schedule attacks and scouts and use "setguard" to monitor the attack. Also useful if you have to restart YAEB.
The example above is a three line script, to send 100k scouts to 111,222 & to setguard monitor attack & recall if necessary.


Usage: loyaltyattack xxx,yyy num_cavalry
Example: loyaltyattack 111,222 3000
Repeatedly send waves of calvary to 111,222. On failure, recall all waves;(including attack waves sent from other towns); also Loyaltyattack stops attack when loyalty of 111,222 is at 7.
To cancel loyaltyattack, use EndLoyaltyAttack.


Usage: capture xxx,yyy num_cavalry
Example: capture 111,222 3000
Repeatedly send waves of cavalry to 111,222. On failure, recall all waves; Capture doesn't stop waves until 111,222 is Captured.


Usage: spamattack xxx,yyy troop num_waves
Example: spamattack 111,222 cav:500,s:500 10
Repeatedly attack a town. Heroes are made sure to be at loyalty 100 before sending out.
The above example will attack 111,222 with 500 cavs & 500 scouts 10 times.
To cancel spamattack, use EndSpamAttack.


Usage: recall location
Example: recall 111,222
Used to recall all troops heading to 111,222


Usage: idrecall ArmyId
Example: idrecall 100333040
Used to recall the specific army with an id of 100333040
The Army Id number can be found by hovering the mouse over the army in the army tab.


Usage: attackwait type
Example: attackwait loyalty
attackwait honor
attackwait spam
To wait for loyaltyattack, honorattack, or spamattack to end

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