
Defense & Offense Related Goals

Table of Contents


Usage: config gate:[minutes]
Example: config gate:1
config gate:0.1
With this option activated Y.A.E.B. will open and close the gates depending on the type of attack waves approaching the city. Town defence is quite complex, Y.A.E.B. can defend your city when it is strong, weak, or extremely weak. In general, if you have 300,000 archers Y.A.E.B. will allow scout bombs to hit, below 100,000 archers the bot will close the gate when attacked but will open the gate to deal with small loyalty attacks. When used along with gatepolicy, you can instruct the bot what types of attacks to open for, and what to close for.
Note that the bot cannot properly work your gates if there is a time desync between your computer and the server, or server lag causing a delay. Split second timing is only possible with split second synchronization. In the 1st example above, the bot would open or close gates 1 minute before an incoming attack. In the 2nd example, the bot would open or close gates 0.1 minutes, or 6 seconds, before an incoming attack.
When you first log into the server with the bot, or when you click Refresh on the bot, it will show you the time delay:
14:18:48 Logged in successfully, server time difference: -23.756s
14:18:48 Your current computer time: 02:19:11 PM
If this number is higher than your config gate setting, then the bot will open/close the gates too early or too late. You should adjust your computer clock to match the server time more closely.


Usage: gatepolicy <no attack> <regular attack> <scout bomb> <mixed attack> <maintenance>
Example: gatepolicy 2 1 2 0 1
Switch: 0 - Y.A.E.B.'s Choice
1 - Open Gate
2 - Close Gate
This policy sets the actions to be taken by Y.A.E.B. in controlling the gate when your city is under attack. In order for gatepolicy to operate, you must use config gate. The bot can respond by deciding on it's own if it should open/close, always opening, or always closing the gates for each type of scenario: no attack, regular attack, scout bomb, mixed attack, and maintenance with this policy. In the example above: with no incoming attacks the bot will always keep gates closed, with regular incoming attacks will always keep gates open, with an incoming scout bomb will always close gates, with a mixed attack (some scout bombs, some regular attacks) will decide on it's own whether to open or close, and for maintenance it will always open gates.


Usage: gatepolicy /action:[open|close] /condition:{actionscript evaluation clause to eval to true or false goes here}
Example: gatepolicy /action:open /condition:{return m_castle.enemyArmies[0].archers > 95000 && m_castle.troops.archers > 1000000 && m_castle.fortifications.abatis > 10; }
The above example will open gates if enemy is sending over 95,000 archers and you have over 1,000,000 archers and have over 10 abitis.


Usage: config hiding:[minutes]
Example: config hiding:1.5
When enabled, the hiding goal will attempt to hide resources and excess troop when under attack by moving a rainbow and resources. This will ensure you have sufficient resources and troops to continue defending. This goal is very useful when your city is still weak, if there are a lot of archers in your city hiding is not effective. In the example above, the bot will attempt to hide troops and resources 1.5 minutes prior to the attack landing.


Usage: config wartown:[switch]
Example: config wartown:1
With this goal enabled, the bot will "lockdown" most troop movements in preparation of war. No npc farming runs, keepresource/sendresource, or keeptroop/sendtroop goals will be performed with this enabled. The bot will also recall all marching farm runs back to the city.


Usage: config monitorarmy:[switch]
Example: config monitorarmy:1
This goal will instruct Y.A.E.B. to check the target to make sure it's the same as it was when you launched the attack.. if not recall.


Usage: wartownpolicy start_time end_time [start_time end_time start_time end_time]
Example: wartownpolicy 06:00 12:00
This policy will tell the bot to cease attacks on npcs, valleys, etc. and keep all resource and troop transport missions home in preparation of war at a set schedule. In the example above, the bot would halt all farming attacks and troop/resource transport missions from 6 to 12, and perform as normal the rest of the time. You can add multiple start and end times to this policy, eg: wartownpolicy 06:00 12:00 5:00 23:00. This policy may be wise to use in conjunction with schedulepolicy so that you can ensure your farm runs are completed and home (and therefore troops healed) before the bot shuts down at a set schedule.

Defense Policy

Usage: defensepolicy [/usestrategemadvance:0|1] [/usetruce:loyalty] [/usecorselet:0|1] [/descoutlimit:scouts]* [/useultracorselet:0|1] [/usewarhorn:0|1] [/useivoryhorn:0|1] [/usepenicillin:0|1] [/useport:loyalty]* [/junktroop:wavesizenum] [/disablerainbowevasion:0|1]* [/immediateheal:0|1]* [/nuisancetime:min]* [/state:statename]* [/warmode:loyalty]* [/code:{actionscript}]
usestrategemadvance:1 - will tell the bot to use advanced by hidden path automatically
usetruce:5 - will tell the bot to truce at 5 loyalty
usecorselet:1 - will tell the bot to use a corselet when attacked
descoutlimit:5 - will tell the bot to close gates when scouts drop to 5
useultracorselet:1 will tell the bot to use an ultra corselet when attacked
usewarhorn:1 - will tell the bot to use a warhorn when hit
Useivoryhorn:1 - will tell the bot to use a ivoryhorn when hit
Usepenicillin:1 - will tell the bot to use penicillin when hit
useport:5 - tells the bot to port at 5 loyalty
junktroop:1000 - tells the bot not to warn you of any wave < 1000
disablerainbowevasion:1 - tells the bot not to send rainbow evasions.
immediateheal:1 - tells the bot to heal instantly (useful in age1)
nuisancetime:5 - tells the bot not to warn you of any wave more then 5 mins out.
state:random - tells the bot to random to a random state when used with useport.
warmode:99 - tells the bot to warconfig at 99 loyalty. Useful with /useport.
code:{actionscript} - runs your own custom code.

*These are untested beta functions.

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