
Script lib

All colony suppression settings
Sets all colonies in said city to 0 supression.

1: set colonyIndex -1
2: label colonyLoop
3: set colonyIndex {%colonyIndex%+1}
4: ifgoto ( %colonyIndex% >= m_castle.colonies.length ) colonyEndLoop
5: set coordinate m_castle.colonies[colonyIndex].position
6: colony %coordinate% setsuppression w:0,wo:0,s:0,p:0,sw:0,a:0,c:0,cata:0,t:0,b:0,r:0,cp:0
7: goto colonyLoop
8: label colonyEndLoop

HC lvl 12 drafter
Scouts 4 lvl 10 npcs with 1 scout then drafts them

1: {
2: import com.yaeb.Collections.Valleys;
3: import com.yaeb.Beans.Valley;
4: import autoevony.player.Map;

5: var v:Valley;
6: var found:int = 0;
7: for each (v in m_castle.npcFarmingLocations)
8: {
9: if (v.level == 10)
10: {

11: if (found == 3)
12: {
13: var x3:int = Map.getInstance().getX(v.fieldId);
14: var y3:int = Map.getInstance().getY(v.fieldId);
15: var found:int = 4;
16: break;
17: }
18: if (found == 2)
19: {
20: var x2:int = Map.getInstance().getX(v.fieldId);
21: var y2:int = Map.getInstance().getY(v.fieldId);
22: var found:int = 3;
23: }
24: if (found == 1)
25: {
26: var x1:int = Map.getInstance().getX(v.fieldId);
27: var y1:int = Map.getInstance().getY(v.fieldId);
28: var found:int = 2;

29: }
30: if (found == 0)
31: {
32: var x:int = Map.getInstance().getX(v.fieldId);
33: var y:int = Map.getInstance().getY(v.fieldId);
34: var found:int = 1;
35: }
36: }
37: }
38: }
sleep 00:00:05
ifgoto (%found% < 1) 1
39: sleep 00:00:05
40: {
41: m_cityManager.paused = true;
42: }
43: scout %x%,%y% none s:1
44: scout %x1%,%y1% none s:1
45: scout %x2%,%y2% none s:1
46: scout %x3%,%y3% none s:1
47: sleep 00:03:00
48: requisition %x%,%y% army
49: requisition %x1%,%y1% army
50: requisition %x2%,%y2% army
51: requisition %x3%,%y3% army
48: requisition %x%,%y% army
49: requisition %x1%,%y1% army
50: requisition %x2%,%y2% army
51: requisition %x3%,%y3% army
48: requisition %x%,%y% army
49: requisition %x1%,%y1% army
50: requisition %x2%,%y2% army
51: requisition %x3%,%y3% army
52: {
53: m_cityManager.paused = false;
54: }

load main.src

Autodraft Colonies

1: set colonyIndex -1
2: label colonyLoop
3: set colonyIndex {%colonyIndex%+1}
4: ifgoto ( %colonyIndex% >= m_castle.colonies.length ) 8
5: set coordinate m_castle.colonies[colonyIndex].position
6: colony %coordinate% draft
7: goto colonyLoop
8: label colonyEndLoop

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