
Command Window

Table of Contents


Usage: accept name
Example: accept NewGuy


Usage: alliance name
Example: alliance TuffGuys
View an alliance's introduction, host, founder, number of members, and total prestige.


Usage: apply alliance_name
Example: apply TuffGuys
Put an application in to join an alliance.


Usage: armyreport [optional page]
Example: armyreport 2
Views the specified page number of your army reports, or page 1 if none specified. The display is as follows:
17:10:11  Page: 1/1
17:10:23  ATT Attack Reports on Sun May 22 2011 02:44:54 PM from MyCit(111,222) to Barbarian's city(111,223)
17:10:23  Info: The Loyalty of this city is 88.
17:10:23  attackers: t:0/400, b:0/550
17:10:23  defenders: rl:0/750, at:1250/1250, w:750/750, p:1000/1000, sw:350/350, a:250/250, c:200/200, tr:0/3750, ab:0/1875


Usage: eject name
Example: eject BadMember
This command will allow a Presbyter or higher to expel a member from the alliance.


Usage: invite name
Example: invite NewMember
This command will allow an Officer or higher to invite a member to the alliance.


Usage: join AllyName
Example: join TuffGuys
This command will allow you to accept an invitation and join an alliance.


Usage: listcastles coords coords [maxtowns] [min_prestige]
Example: listcastles 101,100 110,105
listcastles 101,100 110,105 30
listcastles 101,100 110,105 30 2000000
This command allows you to search for castles. In the 1st example, the bot would display all towns between 101,100 and 110,105. In the 2nd example, the bot would display up to 30 towns between 101,100 and 110,105. In the 3rd example, the bot would display up to 30 towns with at least 2mil prestige between 101,100 and 110,105.


Usage: listmail [optional page #]
Example: listmail 2
Displays the specified page of mail. Displays the 1st page of the mail if no page number is given.
23:23:16  Command: listmail 2
23:23:16  Page: 2/6
23:23:19  [10123:MyFriend>Botter] hello on Mon May 23 2011@04:42:17 PM
hiya, just reminding you I'll be holidaying this week
23:23:25  [10123:SomeHost>Botter] Can we Talk? on Mon May 23 2011@12:11:41 PM
I am SomeHost of alliance TuffGuys. I'd like to discuss an alliance.
Can we talk!
23:23:27  [10123:SomeWeirdo>Botter] hrm on Mon May 23 2011@10:40:39 AM
Married then?
23:23:29  [10123:SomeWeirdo>Botter] hello there on Mon May 23 2011@10:32:02 AM
Are u single?


Usage: listsentmail [optional page #]
Example: listsentmail 2
Displays the specified page of your outbox. Displays the 1st page of the outbox if no page number is given.
23:27:38  Command: listsentmail
23:27:38  Page: 1/123
23:27:42  [10123:Botter>MyFriend] Reply:hello on Mon May 23 2011@09:11:09 PM
have a good holiday!
23:27:42  [10123:Botter>SomeHost] Reply:Can We Talk? on Mon May 23 2011@09:10:06 PM
Not interested
23:27:45  [10123:Botter>SomeWeirdo] Reply:hello there on Mon May 23 2011@06:48:43 PM
go away...


Usage: listsystemmail [optional page #]
Example: listsystemmail 2
Displays the specified page of your system mail. Displays the 1st page of system mail if no page number is given.
23:31:27  Command: listsystemmail
23:31:27  Page: 1/1
23:31:29  [10123:System>Botter] Resetting the $5 for 250 cents worth? WOW! Check this out! on Mon May 23 2011@10:41:49 PM
Greetings Lords and Ladies of Evony!

Blah blah blah.


Usage: loc coords
Example: loc 111,222
Displays information about a certain coordinate.
23:33:07  Command: loc 111,222
23:33:11  Location: 111,222: NPC 5(111,222) peace, Barbarian's city LOWER LORRAINE, belongs to none


Usage: mail name subject content
Example: mail MyFriend holiday have a good holiday!
Sends a mail to the specified person. In the example above, I would send a mail to MyFriend with the subject "holiday" and the contents of the mail reading "have a good holiday!"


Usage: members
Example: members
List the members in your alliance.
23:40:41  Command: members
23:40:41  Alliance members: 
23:40:41   Member1 Member pres: 2827841 last: Mon May 23 2011 11:30:01 PM
23:40:41   Member2 Presbyter pres: 13632813 last: Mon May 23 2011 11:30:50 PM
23:40:41   Member3 Member pres: 3266061 last: Mon May 23 2011 11:30:21 PM
23:40:41   Member4 Member pres: 9828232 last: Mon May 23 2011 11:30:16 PM
23:40:41   Member5 Officer pres: 4304876 last: Mon May 23 2011 11:28:43 PM
23:40:41   Member6 Member pres: 1756597 last: Mon May 23 2011 11:27:06 PM


Usage: qattack target hero troop [camptime]
Example: qattack 101,102 Bob a:97000,s:3000
Used to attack a target. In this example, the bot will attack 101,102 with hero Bob & 97k archers and 3k scouts.


Usage: qreinforce target hero troop resource [camptime]
Example: qreinforce 101,102 Bob cav:500,cata:500 f:15000,i:3000
Used to reinforce a target. In this example, the bot will reinforce 101,102 with hero Bob & 50k cavs and 50k phracts.


Usage: qscout target hero troop [camptime]
Example: qscout 101,102 GeniusBob s:1
Used to scout a target. In this example, the bot will scout 101,102 with hero GeniusBob & 1 scout.


Usage: qtransport target troop resource [camptime]
Example: qtransport 101,102 cav:100000 f:20000000
Used to transport resources. In this example, the bot will transport 20 Million Food to 101,102 with 100k cavs.


Explained here


Usage: quickarmyreport [optional page #]
Example: quickarmyreport 2
Displays your army report headers from the specified page. If no page is given, page 1 will be displayed.
23:47:48  Command: quickarmyreport
23:47:48  Page: 1/1
23:47:48  [10612]ATT Attack Reports from ACity(111,111) to Barbarian's city(111,112) on Mon May 23 2011 09:27:33 PM
23:47:48  [10634]ATT Attack Reports from AnotherCity(111,222) to Barbarian's city(111,223) on Mon May 23 2011 09:02:48 PM
23:47:48  [10656]ATT Attack Reports from MYCity(111,333) to Barbarian's city(111,334) on Mon May 23 2011 04:27:04 PM


Usage: quitalliance
Example: quitalliance
Quit your alliance.


Usage: readreport reportid
Example: readreport 10565
Displays a URL link and summary of the results of a specific battle report. Report ID's can be obtained via \quickarmyreport.
23:51:32  Command: readreport 10656
23:51:33  ATT Attack Reports on Mon May 23 2011 04:27:04 PM from MyCity(111,333) to Barbarian's city(111,334)
23:51:33  Info: The Loyalty of this city is 88.
23:51:33  attackers: wo:2000/2000, w:2000/2000, s:2812/4000, a:4143/90000, t:0/2000
23:51:33  defenders: rl:2200/2200, at:3666/3666, dt:1375/1375, w:400000/400000, tr:8030/11000, ab:0/5500


Usage: searchcastle type alliance|cityname|nickname
Example: searchcastle userName TuffGuys
searchcastle userName Bob
Displays a list of all castles owned by the specified alliance, or all with the specified city name, or all with the specified owner… within the map scan radius.
1st Example:
23:56:58  Command: searchcastle TuffGuys
23:56:58  ===search castle for TuffGuys===
23:56:58  Coords, State, Distance, Castle, Owner, Alliance, Prestige, Honor 
23:56:58  Castle 10(111,222), peace, 0 miles, MyCity, Botter TuffGuys, pres 14997337, honor 212942
23:56:58  Castle 10(111,333), peace, 0 miles, ACity, Botter TuffGuys, pres 14997337, honor 212942
23:56:58  Castle 10(111,444), peace, 0 miles, OtherCity, Botter TuffGuys, pres 14997337, honor 212942
23:56:58  ===end search===

2nd Example:
00:00:43  Command: searchcastle MyCity
00:00:43  ===search castle for MyCity===
00:00:43  Coords, State, Distance, Castle, Owner, Alliance, Prestige, Honor 
00:00:43  Castle 10(111,222), peace, 0 miles, MyCity, Botter TuffGuys, pres 14997337, honor 212942
00:00:43  ===end search===

3rd Example:
00:01:57  Command: searchcastle Bob
00:01:57  ===search castle for Bob===
00:01:57  Coords, State, Distance, Castle, Owner, Alliance, Prestige, Honor 
00:01:57  ===end search===


Usage: searchenemies maximum_results
Example: searchenemies 25
Displays a list of enemy castles within the mapscan radius, up to the specified max results.
00:03:47  Command: searchenemies 1
00:03:47  ===Enemy castles===
00:03:47  Coords, State, Distance, Castle, Owner, Alliance, Prestige, Honor 
00:03:47  Castle 10(222,111), peace, 5.09 miles, HisCity, BadGuy SomeReds, pres 5026954, honor 3392049
00:03:47  ===end search===


Usage: sethost new_host
Example: sethost NewLeader
Sets a new alliance host.


Usage: setmember member_name
Example: setmember BillyJoe
Demotes from officer or higher rank, back to member rank.


Usage: setofficer member_name
Example: setmember BillyJoe
Sets member to officer rank.


Usage: setpresbyter member_name
Example: setpresbyter BillyJoe
Sets member to presbyter rank.


Usage: warreport [optional page #]
Example: warreport 2
Displays information and a URL link to attacks and defenses in your alliance war reports of the page specified. Displays page 1 if none is specified.
00:11:03  Command: warreport
00:11:04  Page: 1/1018
00:11:04  ATT null Guy Attack City(111,222) on Mon May 23 2011 11:43:53 PM from Town(222,333) Guy to Town(222,222) EnemyGuy
00:11:04  attackers: a:99000/99000, cata:1000/1000
00:11:04  defenders: wo:0/10255, w:0/110422, p:0/19470, sw:0/21261, a:60293/65646, t:0/6231, c:450/450, cata:282/1655, b:3200/3200, cp:0/40
Blah Blah Blah


Usage: who name
Example: who Bob
Looks up statistical information for the specified name.
00:15:33  Command: who Bob
00:15:34  Player info: bob, alliance: TuffGuys, castle: 1, pres: 3666417, honor: 0, rank: 123, pos: Captain, ti

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