
General Options Window

General options window

Here I will talk about some options in the setting window of YAEB; focusing on the top portion.

In the red box you see many options let me better explain them:

Audio attack warning

Checking this box enables to bot to warn you when you are under attack. You can further enhance this function by going to the binary tab.

Always start scripts at line1

This will assure your scripts start from line one and can be handy if you run lots of scripts.

Suppress amulet messages

This will make it so your log doesn't fill up each time you spin an amulet.

Disable quest collection

Honestly you should never use this as all it does is stop the bot from collecting completed quest.

Enable resource monitor

This is something most users will never use but basically it allows you to see where your resources are being consumed with foodjuggling.

Show alliance reports every X mins

This will post your alliance war reports in your log every x mins. I find it to be annoying and clutter up the log so I don't recommend using this though some do.

Suppress trade messages

You should probably use this every time as it stops the bot from spamming your lag with trade info.

Suppress npc/valley attack messages

This should be used if you farm super quickly so the bot doesn't fill up your log with info about the attacks. I normally leave it off as I like to see what the bot is winning from farming.

Automatically collect packages

This is super handy if you autocents and will collect all packages and cents, from your autocents and allies.

Automatically report bugs to stray?

This does not work so don't use it.

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